Our most precious love must be with ourselves. To truly take part in “love” in this world, we must hold ourselves most dearly. We must forgive ourself. We must embrace our cracks and crevices. We must exultant each in our own decadent inner joy. Against a world that begs us to hold self-critique as most vital, to forgive ourselves our own trespasses against us is daring and beautiful.
“Go Heart Yourself” is for you to love you. Each course is imbued with aphrodisiatic bites and sips and slurps and gulps. And you will be guided through a menu aphorisms and immersion music to hone this big love energy inward. Come as you are, in singles, couples, throuples… and prepare to be in love, alone together.
While enjoying this intimate Valentine's meal, Clockwork and Dee will perform an original ambient jazz score, written to accentuate each course. As the food on your plate changes, the music will change to match.
Tickets are required and available for purchase until Feb 1. Limited capacity, so don't wait!
menu and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/go-heart-yourself-tickets-793854288547?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios&fbclid=IwAR3YvECDMsRweuWt0qoFt68KBexYQS1DZoQl79NNWi4p9XXYc0UeU0btHtc